7th Edition


Seventh edition of the Film Festival Ragazzi in Bellinzona, November 12 to 19 at the Forum cinema. President: Brenno Martignoni. Art director: Domenico Lucchini. 12 films competing. Special events (6 feature films). 6 films hors concours. “Paolo Villaggio attore” retrospective (4 feature films). “Emanuele Luzzati: scenografo e cineasta”: 6 short films and an exhibition. “Animazione video” program (14 short films). Short films program (3 films). “François Truffaut: le avventure di Antoine Doinel e altri film sull’infanzia e sulla famiglia” section (7 feature films and 2 short films). Special prize awarded to Alberto Sordi.

In the photo: Alberto Sordi with the Jury.


Film of the edition

Photos of the edition

Workshops and Exhibitions


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