Elmer is walking through the woods to get to Tillie the Tiger’s birthday party. Tillie is happy to see him. But the other animals tease him about his long nose and Elmer goes back to the woods in tears. A giraffe consoles him. A fire breaks out at the tiger’s house and Elmer runs to save her with the help of the giraffe and some pelicans: he uses his trunk like a real fire hose and manages to put out the fire, becoming a hero that everyone applauds.
Elmer the friendly elephant represents everyone who is sneered at because they’re different. And it is precisely this difference that will value and esteem to our hero. Also valorizes is cooperation to reach big results. The giraffe is strange, too, with such a long neck! And even pelicans look ridiculous with such big beaks, but combining all these strange characteristics important things can be accomplished. Very lovely are the songs arranged by Harline, borrowed from folk themes.