Mole's adventures put on the screen a series of child-size situations created by Czech animator and director Zdnek Miler. The format is suited to children: lasting 5 to 10 minutes they present a sequence of situations that attract attention and are easy to understand. The language is essentially visual (there is no spoken dialogue) and based on expressions and gestures, thus favoring true education to images. Mol's experiences are like those of children: amazement, curiosity, the exploration of objects, courage, fears, etc. And there is also an educational message: the importance of cooperation and friendship, as opposed to the aggressive and competitive content of many of today’s cartoons. Mole at the Zoo (1969) Mole digs and digs and winds up in a zoo amidst animals hÈs never seen before. Mole and the Automobile (1963) Our friend digs in the city this time, amongst hundreds of cars. And would like to have one, too. Mole in the Desert (1975) This time little Mole goes to the desert: all the animals are thirsty, but how can they find water? Mole the Photographer (1975) Friend Mouse shows Mole the magic of photography and he has fun posing and photographing the frog’s wedding reception. Mole the Watchmaker (1975) Playing and horsing around the cuckoo clock breaks and our hero tries to fix it. Mole and the Music (1974) Mole relaxes listening to his favorite record. But the wind blow into his burrow and breaks it. Mouse tries to console him and suddenly a bright idea pops up. Mole the Painter (1972) To teach Fox a good lesson, Mole invites all his friends to come and paint bright colors, getting a marvelous effect. Mole and Carnival Time (1976) In his burrow Mole can’t sleep because above him therÈs lots of noise: it’s carnival time. He wants to go see: the party’s over but he can have fun with everything that’s left. |