Kids Film Forum 2024

Monday, 18 Novembre 2024

Conference room

Restaurant Millefiori



Among the audiences that view animated feature films are often children and teens, to whom these films often specifically address themselves, with choices of lengths, plot content and editing rhythms created “ad hoc” for young audiences. To better understand how animation authors set up their projects already in the development phase for a children and youth audience, and to understand how distributors of animated films conceive their distribution strategy for these films, we propose our “Kids Film Forum - Industry Day” addressed to industry professionals and cultural mediation enthusiasts on the topic of animation. This day will create synergies between authors and industry professionals and delve into the topic of distribution of children's animated films.



Welcome speech and presentation of the results of the workshop “Initiation to stop-motion: workshop for visual education teachers”, organized with Lilo Wullschleger in collaboration with Cineducation. 



Presentation of the “Pitching-Lab”: young authors present to an audience of experts, audiovisual professionals and free listeners their animation projects in development, with content aimed at a youth or children's audience. Winning-Film Director Anja Kofmel, who led the workshop and advised the authors, will act as moderator. 






Conference “Distribution of animated films for children”. Moderated by Alessandro Marcionni (Head of RSI’s Pacte de l’Audiovisuel), in the presence of Swiss and European distributors who have distributed various animated films. With Renate Zylla (festival agent), and the contribution of Corinne Rossi (Praesens Films) and Judith Repond (Agorà Films). In-depth discussion on distribution strategy, target audiences, classroom screenings and welcoming premieres with directors.  



Conference presentation of the animation projects “Bats & Bugs” by Lena von Döhren & “Sans Voix” by Samuel Patthey. In collaboration with Casa Pantrovà and Festival Fantoche. The director Lena von Döhren and the visual composer Julie Ecoffey will share a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of their films and answer questions from the audience.



Final cocktail.


Admission is free.



Information and registrations

Filippo Demarchi 

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Three Industry Days, in three parts of Switzerland, for interested professionals.

The KIDS FILM FORUM is a meeting place for film professionals who are passionate about producing films and series for young audiences. By bringing together national and international industry professionals, we create a space where ideas can be exchanged and new collaborations created.

12 November Kids Film Forum @ Zoomz
-> Documentary film for children and young people

18 November Kids Film Forum @ Castellinaria
-> Development and distribution of animated films for young audiences

22 November Kids Film Forum @ Festival Cinéma Jeune Public
-> Development of fiction material for young audiences

The Kids Film Forum is an initiative of the Swiss children's and youth film festivals Castellinaria, Festival Cinéma Jeune Public and Zoomz. With financial support from the SUISSIMAGE Cultural Fund, the SWISSPERFORM Audio and Vision Foundation, SRG SSR, SSA, ARF/FDS and the Oertli Foundation and Swissfilms