Momo, a very special little girl, mysteriously enters into the life of the tranquil town where our story takes place.
One day, aboard noisy gray cars, the Gray Men come to town, convincing its adults to save time by renouncing their affections, hobbies and sleep and by working faster. Promising them that they will earn interest on the time that's saved, keeping it in a special bank, in reality they use the dried flowers of every Flower Hour the people have to make cigars, which they smoke to stay alive.
One Gray Man is touched when Momo asks him if no one has ever loved him, and he reveals their terrible plan to the girl: stealing time from people. Momo decides to save the world in danger and, following Cassiopeia, a magic turtle, arrives at the Palace of Time. Here she is welcomed by Mastro Hora, whose task is to assign time to each person, and therefore never to sleep. The only plan possible to defeat the  terrible Gray Men needs all Momo's courage…


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