Once again this year Castellinaria Young Film Festival, for its 37th edition, had the pleasure of collaborating with the young graphic designers of SUPSI to create the new poster.

A poster that will be displayed along the streets and in the towns of the territory, before and during the festival, offering excellent visibility to the winning project and decreeing the image
of the next edition of Castellinaria 2024.

For the competition proposed to the students of the Visual Communication course, a jury composed of two representatives from Castellinaria, two from the Junge Grafik Association and a professor from SUPSI was set up.
After an initial choice, and a proposal of five projects, it was the Castellinaria committee that decided on the winner.

For the 37th edition it was Luca Dell'Agostino who won!
His design, with an interesting play on diagonals, proposes a fresh, young and fun image of the festival.
A first case of a uniquely typographic poster that does not use the image to talk about cinema but a visual language that conveys the pleasant and lively atmosphere of Castellinaria.

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